Sweden during the Pandemic

Pariah or Paragon? The main difference between Sweden’s strategy and that of most other countries was that it mostly relied on voluntary adaptation rather than government force. AUGUST 29, 2023 • POLICY ANALYSIS NO. 959 – Cato.org – By Johan Norberg My cmnt: I’ve posted numerous articles on Covid-19 on this website. Click on category Covid-19 to see the list. Also click the category Masks to see numerous posts documenting the futility of wearing masks. CATO is a center-left institute so keep that in mind. My cmnt: The biggest problem with most center-left analyses is what they leave out. It is … Continue reading Sweden during the Pandemic

Vastly Different Treatment for Two of New York’s Native Sons

Jeff Davidson |  Feb 18, 2024 | Townhall.com My cmnt: Woody Allen and Donald Trump are immensely successful people. One is a liberal democrat and one is a conservative Republican. One is credibly accused with an abundance of evidence of being a serial obsessor (I’m using that word instead of ‘predator’ which is more likely) of much younger women and girls with no criminal nor financial repercussions while the other is being persecuted by the democrat-controlled, New York legal establishment, by a stupid, corrupt AG along with a clownish corrupt judge, to the tune of $500 million dollars on totally bogus, … Continue reading Vastly Different Treatment for Two of New York’s Native Sons

Setting the record straight: Bidenomics is a dismal failure

My cmnt: Having lived thru the previous worse economy under democrat president Jimmy Carter I recognize a dismal economy when I’m in it. Under the liberal, mentally ill Carter we had record (at least since the democrat-led, FDR Great Depression of the 30s) yearly double-digit inflation (11+%), double-digit unemployment (10+%), double-digit mortgage rates (16-18%), double-digit interest rates (20+%) and severe gas shortages combined with the doubling of gas prices when you could get it. Sound familiar? Yep, it would take another democrat to ruin the great Trump economy and gas prices to usher in the dismal Biden economy. My cmnt: … Continue reading Setting the record straight: Bidenomics is a dismal failure

BREAKING: SCOTUS Just Gave Texas a Green Light to Arrest Illegals and Much More

Katie Pavlich |  March 19, 2024 3:00 PM – Townhall.com My cmnt: This is absolutely the best news I’ve heard all day. If so-called sanctuary cities and states can brazenly ignore and violate federal statues and laws governing illegal immigration and the processing of illegal aliens then surely Texas can defend itself against a foreign invasion the democrat traitors refuse to address. UPDATE: The White House has issued a response through Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre:  We fundamentally disagree with the Supreme Court’s order allowing Texas’ harmful and unconstitutional law to go into effect. S.B. 4 will not only make communities … Continue reading BREAKING: SCOTUS Just Gave Texas a Green Light to Arrest Illegals and Much More